
The Best Advice I've Got For You So Far

 The Best Advice That I've Got For You so Far

  • Sometimes other people have to be taught to respect you. So set your limits; or someone else will do it for you.
  • “You’d worry less about what others think of you if you realized how seldom they did.” – Eleanor Roosevelt. People have their own lives to live.
  • Be careful not to adopt other people’s bad habits. It can be hard to resist when you want to fit in, but even harder to lose the habit afterward.  
  • Avoid starting any habit that’s hard to quit.
  • There will always be people who try to put you down.  "No one kicks a dead dog" – so if someone is after you it’s because they perceive you as a threat. Learn to empathize. Once you understand them, you can disarm them.
  • Everyone is delusional, including me and you.  Our brains can handle only so much so we learn to pick-and-choose what we see. Do your best, but know that you have only a human brain.
  • Question yourself but don’t overdo it - it helps to listen to your gut.
  • Some people won’t like you for what you are, not who you are. There’s not much you can do about it – it’s their problem, not yours, so don't worry about it unless it actually threatens you.
  • Find an exercise you love. Exercising for the sake of exercise is tedious – but moving, because you want to, is glorious.  
  • You are a person. Not "just" a girl. Not "just" a woman. Never let anyone tell you different.
  • Competing against other people is limiting yourself. Strive to surpass yourself in everything you do and you will always excel.
  • In the darkest times, remember – "This too shall pass". Time does heal.
  • Most people won’t "get" you. Hang on to the ones that do. They become amazingly hard to find once you hit 30.
  • Learn the difference between lust and love. They can be harder to tell apart than you’d expect, and confusing them can mess up your life for real.
  • Never, ever, listen to anyone who claims to speak for (a/any) God. They’re no closer to divinity than you are.
  • There are some bad people out there, and you can’t always tell. Listen to your gut – and watch their eyes. 
  • “Before diagnosing yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure you are not, in fact, surrounded by assholes.” – William Gibson. Seriously, Make sure you aren't just in a horrible environment before assuming you are doomed to be miserable.
  • Don’t overshare. Too much information makes you vulnerable, and an air of mystery will serve you well.
  • Stay in school as long as you can. The longer you stay, the higher you’ll go.
  • Save. Nothing says relaxation like knowing you are prepared. DO IT.
  • Understand your emotions.  Don’t ignore or demean them - accept them. Learn to control them. They can help or hinder you so get to know them.
  • Grief, anger and sorrow last longer when you push them away. Find a non-destructive way to release negative emotion. Exercise is one of them.
  • Don’t do anything just to impress other people. It will backfire, and  besides, most people can tell.
  • Some relationships are toxic and can’t be fixed, but they can be contained, and shut down.
  • Some of us wander around looking for ourselves. But who we are is a choice, a series of decisions. You CHOOSE who you are going to be. So be aware of what you are choosing to be.
  • “Everyone does it” is not true if you don’t.
  • Mammals liked to be talked to, and treated with respect. Mammals are people. I don't know enough about the other kinds.
  • Wear comfortable shoes. Seriously. 
  • ‘Fashion’ is for stupid, uncreative, or insecure people. You can think for yourself and create your own style.
  • Create a Street Face. Learn how to look, walk, and talk like you’re not worth messing with.
  • Style, posture and elocution count for a lot when dealing with people in authority.
  • When someone says they want to save you and you are not in physical danger – run.
  • You can’t ‘save’ anyone. You can help them, but people can only save themselves.
  • Fake it ‘til you make it when you're starting something new, like a job or project. Sometimes you’ll have to simply assume the role in order to believe you can do it. Once you do it, you’re not faking anymore.
  • Don’t try to fit in. If you’re trying to be someone else, or change yourself to please someone else, then you might be missed by the people who are looking for someone exactly like you.
  • Be kind. Be considerate. It really does make a difference, even if you don't see it.
  • Your body is sacred, and the only one you’ll ever have. Never let anyone in who doesn't show the proper respect.
  • Never buy anything sold door-to-door or via telephone.
  • Don’t get a credit card until you’re 30. Trust me.
  • Choose one or two charities to support; avoid the rest because they'll hound you to death.
  • Drink a lot of water. It boring but do it anyway. And wear sunscreen. It's gross, but do it anyway.
  • Things that scare you initially will often bore you eventually. Like people.
  • You will encounter people in your school or work who are constantly grumpy. They may be known for being a little hard to be around because of their prickliness.   They might be quiet and surly. Other people avoid them.  Despite their intimidating demeanor, take the time to get to know them. They're often extremely intelligent and surprisingly kind, wise, and funny beneath the crusty exterior. It's their intelligence that makes them so fed up and snarky; they see and understand more than the average person, and it makes them feel out of place and lonely. Be polite, be friendly, show respect, and they can open up whole worlds for you.
  • Never resent other people for their happiness or accomplishments. Embrace the joy, there's not enough of it in this world. No, really.
  • Avoid being exposed to advertising whenever you can. It creates false standards and fucks with your head.
  • At some point everyone feels as lonely and lost as you do at some point. Never trust anyone who says otherwise.
  • Never lose your curiosity or humility. The moment you decide you know everything, you stop asking questions, and you stop learning. 
  • It’s okay to really lose your shit – provided no one sees you. 
  • Crying is like peeing – it’s unhealthy to keep it in, better to release it and move on.
  • Avoid living in a bubble. Travel, explore, read and get out into the world.
  • Music is good.
  • Dieting is pointless. And the things you like least about your body may well become the things you like most later. Crazy but true. Be strong. Be healthy. Be a raging predator.
  • Find your strengths, hone them, and market them.
  • Get a trade or a profession.  Learn monetizable skills so that you can afford your dreams.
  • Few people will hate you for your flaws, some will hate you for your virtues. You can't please everyone, so in the end, you'll have to at least please yourself. Choose wisely.
  • Maintain your manners. Hold the door open, say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’, and so on. People will remember it.
  • Find a way to laugh at what scares you. Nothing kills fear like ridicule.
  • Learn how to forgive yourself. You’re going to totally mess up, sometimes. 
  • I'm making this all up as I go along. So will you.