
Book Review: The Sisters Brothers - Patrick DeWitt

Patrick DeWitt

The Sisters Brothers is a unique and playful rendition of the standard Western.  Two brothers, Charlie and Eli Sisters, are guns-for-hire for the mysterious Commodore, who’s sent them on a mission to gold-booming San Francisco, to assassinate one Hermann Warm. Along the way they meet (often lethally) bandits, Indians, witches, orphans, assorted prostitutes, runaway horses, and one dentist.

Eli, the narrator, is an oddly likeable killer, with a soft spot for women, children, and horses named Tub. His brother, Charlie, is meaner, colder and far more lethal – but both value their loyalty to each other above all else. Their rapport is both funny and touching, and their support for each other never wavers, despite all their bickering.

After finally reaching San Franciso, the brothers successfully locate their quarry – only to be presented with a ‘golden’ opportunity unlike any they’ve ever come across.  Changing plans and loyalties, Eli and Charlie join forces with Warm, and in doing so, meet an enemy so insidious, unexpected, and deadly that the Sisters brothers are forever changed.

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